Reviewed by: Violeta & Uroš Mencinger, Šola okusov


Lalu is a bistro in the middle of town that has a famous chef, more wines than beers, and chicken stuffed with foie gras, but you didn’t come here for all that.

Bistro LALU, bao buns s pujsom


LALU (after the children, Lara and Luka) is the second restaurant of chef Marko Pavčnik and the first bistro in Celje with an old wooden ceiling and a new bistro concept: warm, good, relaxed.


Bistro LALU


V Sloveniji nam ni dolgčas … Vsak teden se odpre kakšna nova gostilna … Sicer tudi zato, ker se vsak mesec kakšna zapre, a še bolj, ker moderni bistro je danes kot včeraj mesingasti kafič … A Lalu ne sodi v to kategorijo novih, ki najprej opremijo in odprejo, ko pridejo radovedni gostje pa šele začnejo razmišljati, kaj bodo kuhali, predvsem pa kako!

Ko se je Marko Pavčnik lotil brušenja starih lesenih tramov na stropu nekdanje čajnice, ki je bila na Trgu celjskih grofov kar 12 let bila zaprta, je že vedel, kaj hoče. Lalu je točno to, torej ”sproščen, domačen, mladosten, moderno zasnovan gourmet bistro z izvirno ponudbo hrane, ki bo fuzija vseh stilov, rahlo kreativno, vendar sproščeno in brez omejitev na določen tip hrane. Prostor, kjer lahko postrežemo vse kar je dobrega, sezonskega in po navdihu, pa naj bo azijsko, francosko, slovensko ali italijansko. Toplo okolje, dobra hrana, preprosta sproščena postrežba in velik izbor odličnih vin.”


IThe reason for visiting a bistro from Celje with a new bistro concept should not be just curiosity – what is the chef’s inspiration and where are the accessories hidden. Namely, LALU is a bistro for followers!

Bistro LALU

Greetings from the kitchen

Sourdough bread and cream cheese with fresh herbs and fried onions.


Stracciatella, caramelized eggplant, pistachio pesto, strawberries, basil and salt flower.

Bistro LALU,


Cold smoked trout, crème fraîche, dashi, horseradish mayonnaise.


Baked cauliflower, truffle cream, crispy sprinkle of roasted roughly chopped hazelnuts, onion and sesame.

Bistro LALU, cvetača in lešniki

Bao buns

Steamed bun, kimchi, pork belly, marinated and then grilled, cucumber, wasabi mayonnaise, red onion.


Crispy tuna, yogurt with spring onions, salad.

Bistro LALU, hrustljava tunina


Veal spider steak, puree with truffle, green beans with pancetta.


Raspberry sorbet, chantilly cream (with vanilla and sugar), berries and homemade raspberry jam, meringue.

Bistro LALU, pavlova

Accompanying wines