Be sure to book in advance, otherwise you will be disappointed! If you arrive on time, a beautifully laid table awaits. If you are late, you’ll need to choose quickly. If you take your time ordering, they will quickly explain what would suit you best. And if you’d like more, they’ll bring it. If you can’t eat everything, they’ll wrap it up so you can take it home. If it’s your first visit, they’ll remember you next time. Even if it’s raining outside, everyone inside is in good spirits – the local and their guests.

Reviewed by: Violeta & Uroš Mencinger, Šola okusov

Tourist farm

Pr' Končovc

Organic farm

Thanks to organic beef, local game, the best produce from neighbors and selected from elsewhere, raw slices of beef carpaccio with cheese from Bovec and Istrian olive oil impress.

Beef and štruklji

Beef in a crispy wrap, curd šturklji tosted in butter.

Pr' Končovc, goveji zvitki s hrustljavo skorjico, skutni štruklji


When you sit at the table, you are welcomed by a large bouquet of flowers from the backyard, a jug of water that is immediately on the table and a festive tablecloth made of recycled old fabric, with a rustic pattern, an elegant touch and impeccable whiteness.

Butter and salami

Butter from the Podjed farm, salami from the home cellar.

Pr' Končovc

Bread and oil

Homemade, fresh and good. There is also olive oil, Istrska belica, Korenika&Moškon “just in case”.


Homemade pheasant pate, homemade apricot jam.

Pr' Končovc, fazanova pašteta


Organic beef carpaccio, organic Bovec cheese, pepper, salt, garlic, olive oil.

Pork tenderloin

Smoked pork tenderloin in batter, horseradish sauce, fresh figs.

Pr' Končovc, svinjska ribica

Beef soup

Beef soup with meat štruklji.

Zucchini soup

Creamy soup made from roasted zucchini and pumpkin seed oil.

Pr' Končovc, juha pečenih bučk


Chicken roulade stuffed with bread and tarragon, mashed celery and baked apple, clover flower.


Walnuts buckwheat struklji with honey and homemade vanilla ice cream.

Pr' Končovc, orehovi štruklji z vanilijevim sladoledom

Dried pear

Struklji with dried pear and homemade curd ice cream.


Pr' Končovc, rebula Curso, Zalatel

Pr’ Končovc

open-door organic farm with a chef
Aleš Kristan