At a time when homely, traditional restaurants are dying out, Restavracija Amon carefully and stubbornly clings to tradition and always stands out with ‘the same’ food, but with the chef’s signature and Amon’s taste for the ever better. And to top it all, the food is organic, bio, sustainable and natural, which everyone is talking about these days, but nowhere do they package food to take home like they do at Restavracija Amon.

Reviewed by: Violeta & Uroš Mencinger, Šola okusov

Gostilna Amon


The Amon team

Duck pate, walnut butter, thyme jelly


Veal pate

Horseradish soup


Ravioli with goat cheese & black truffles

T-bone steak


Apple štrudelj

Carrots pastry with ginger and chilli


Restaurant Amon

Slovenian cuisine made using organic ingredients
Greta Amon